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Covent Garden

I'll let you into a secret, this is one of my favourite polaroids I've taken. 

This time a year ago the country was draped in red, white and blue. With the Union Jack (unusually) hanging from houses, pubs, high streets & pet's collars...what, you didn't dress your pet up in patriotic memorabilia!? Oh, just me then... 
The Diamond Jubilee fired up what turned into a wonderful and historic summer for Britain, and left us all with this collective buzz. Last summer it rained a lot in ol' Blighty, so there was no surprise the heavens opened  poured for the Thames River Pageant. I'll always remember laughing at those singers and then going out to a street party, getting my face painted and dancing in the rain drinking Pimm's. 

Every time I go to Covent Garden I always feel a pang of patriotism now. The flags have gone too, but if you go to Covent Garden make sure you listen/watch some bizarre busker and buy a giant tin of Ben's Cookies. Find Ben's Cookies here or all around London. 

P.S Can't wait for the burger wars come July between Five Guys and Shake Shack when they open here with only a day apart! 


  1. Anonymous9/10/2013

    Beautiful polaroid and I absolutely love Ben's Cookies! I miss them so much :( We haven't found anywhere that does decent cookies over here!
